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Lady Eresh vs Alure

Overall comparison

HERO Fraction Element Type Rarity
Lady Eresh Knight Revenant Force Attack Epic
Alure Demonspawn Magic Attack Epic

Stats comparison

Lady Eresh 60 6 15030 1365 936 96 15 60 30 0
Alure 60 6 14040 -990 1575 +210 793 -143 96 15 60 30 0

Skills comparison

Lady Eresh

Meticulous Adversary

Formula: 1.8*ATK
Attacks 1 enemy 2 times. Each hit has a 25% chance of placing a 25% [Weaken] debuff for 2 turns.

Blur of Knives

Formula: 3.8*ATK
Formula: 0.1*MAX_STAMINA*aliveEnemiesCount
Attacks all enemies. Has a 20% chance of granting an Extra Turn. If an Extra Turn is not granted, fills this Champion’s Turn Meter by 10% for each living enemy instead.
Cooldown: 4

Deathrite Evocation

Places a 50% [Increase ATK] buff and a 30% [Increase C. DMG] buff on this Champion for 3 turns, then grants an Extra Turn.
Cooldown: 5

Slip Between [P]

Places a [Perfect Veil] buff on this Champion for 2 turns whenever their HP drops below 50%.
Cooldown: 5

Psychic Whip

Formula: 1*ATK
Formula: 0.25*MAX_STAMINA
Attacks 3 times at random. Decreases the target's Turn Meter by 25% on each critical hit.


Formula: 1.7*ATK
Attacks all enemies 2 times. Each hit has a 30% chance of placing a 30% [Decrease DEF] debuff for 1 turn. Places a [Sleep] debuff for 1 turn on targets under [Decrease DEF] debuffs.
Cooldown: 4

Hellish Blaze

Formula: 4.6*ATK
Formula: -0.5
Attacks 1 enemy. Has an extra 30% chance of inflicting a critical hit. Will ignore 50% of the target's DEF.
Cooldown: 6