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Battlesage vs Gurptuk Moss-Beard

Overall comparison

HERO Fraction Element Type Rarity
Battlesage High Elves Void Support Epic
Gurptuk Moss-Beard Ogryn Tribes Force Support Legendary

Stats comparison

Battlesage 60 6 18000 980 1123 100 15 50 30 0
Gurptuk Moss-Beard 60 6 18825 +825 1079 +99 1244 +121 100 15 50 50 +20 0

Skills comparison


Lightning Slash

Formula: 2.8*ATK
Attacks all enemies.

Nature's Touch

Places a 50% [Increase ATK] buff on all allies for 2 turns, then removes all debuffs on all allies. This buff cannot be removed.
Cooldown: 4

Mother's Embrace

Places a [Revive On Death] buff on a target ally for 3 turns. The ally will instantly revive if killed.
Cooldown: 6
Gurptuk Moss-Beard

Biotic Staff

Formula: 2.2*ATK
Attacks 1 enemy 2 times. Places a 15% [Continuous Heal] buff for 1 turn on all allies under [Poison] debuffs.

Druidic Boon

Formula: 0.30*TRG_HP
Removes all debuffs except [Poison] debuffs from an ally, then heals them by 30% of their MAX HP and places a [Shield] buff on the target equal to 20% of their MAX HP for 2 turns.
Cooldown: 3

Cloud of Spores

Places three 2.5% [Poison] debuffs on all allies for 3 turns. These debuffs cannot be resisted or blocked. Also has an 80% chance of placing a [Block Buffs] debuff on all enemies for 2 turns.
Cooldown: 4

Symbiotes [P]

Formula: (0.075*DMG_MUL)*EffectsAppliedOnTargetCountOfKind(ContinuousDamage_KindId)
Formula: 15*EffectsAppliedOnTargetCountOfKind(ContinuousDamage_KindId)
Allies under [Poison] debuffs inflict 7.5% more damage for each [Poison] debuff on them, stacking up to a maximum of 30%. This damage increase applies to all of their skills. Also increases each ally's RES by 15 for each [Poison] debuff on them.