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Drexthar Bloodtwin vs Tormin the Cold

Overall comparison

HERO Fraction Element Type Rarity
Drexthar Bloodtwin Demonspawn Force Defence Legendary
Tormin the Cold Dwarves Void Defence Legendary

Stats comparison

Drexthar Bloodtwin 60 6 18990 914 1398 100 15 50 50 10
Tormin the Cold 60 6 20145 +1155 815 -99 1421 +23 94 -6 15 50 70 +20 20 +10

Skills comparison

Drexthar Bloodtwin

Eldritch Flames

Formula: 1*DEF
Formula: 0.2*DEALT_DMG
Attacks 1 enemy 3 times. Has a 30% chance of placing an [HP Burn] debuff for 2 turns. Heals this Champion by 20% of the damage inflicted if the target is under a [HP Burn] debuff.

Burning Lash

Formula: 5.2*DEF
Attacks all enemies. Has a 40% chance of placing a [Provoke] debuff for 1 turn. This chance increases to 100% if the target is under a [HP Burn] debuff. Also places a 50% [Decrease ATK] debuff for 2 turns if the [Provoke] debuff is placed.
Cooldown: 4

Fiery Blood [P]

Formula: 10*EnemyTeamAppliedEffectsTotalCountOfKind(AoEContinuousDamage_KindId)
Has a 55% chance of placing a [HP Burn] debuff for 2 turns on the attacker when hit. This Champion's RES increases by 10 for every enemy under a [HP Burn] debuff. Stacks up to 50.
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Tormin the Cold


Formula: 2*DEF
Attacks all enemies. Has a 15% chance of placing a [Freeze] debuff for 1 turn. Instantly activates this Skill whenever an enemy under both a [Freeze] and a [HP Burn] debuff takes damage from the [HP Burn] debuff.

Iceberg Crush

Formula: 3*DEF
Formula: -1
Removes all buffs from a target enemy, then attacks the target 2 times. Steals all buffs instead if the target is under a [Freeze] debuff. Will ignore DEF if the target is under both a [Freeze] and a [HP Burn] debuff.
Cooldown: 4

Blizzard Rage

Formula: 3.8*DEF
Attacks all enemies. Places a [Block Buffs] debuff and a 100% [Heal Reduction] debuff for 2 turns on enemies under [Freeze] debuffs. Has a 60% chance of placing a [Provoke] debuff for 1 turn on enemies not under [Freeze] debuffs. Decreases the cooldown of 1 random Skill of each ally by 1 turn for every enemy attacked under both a [Freeze] and a [HP Burn] debuff.
Cooldown: 4

Activate Hidden Skill

Wintry Wind [P]

Formula: 1*HP
[Passive Effect] Has a 20% chance of placing a [Freeze] debuff on the enemy each time they receive a buff or have their Turn Meter filled. The 20% chance applies up to twice per enemy turn (once for buffs, once for Turn Meter fills) in cases where an enemy receives multiple of these effects at the same time. Does not work with effects from Artifact Sets, Turn Meter filling effects from Masteries, healing, or those buffs or effects that take place at the start of a Round. [Active Effect] Revives this Champion to 100% HP when killed and places a [Freeze] debuff on this Champion for 1 turn.
Cooldown: 8