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Stout Axeman vs Pain Keeper

Overall comparison

HERO Fraction Element Type Rarity
Stout Axeman Dwarves Magic HP Rare
Pain Keeper Dark Elves Void HP Rare

Stats comparison

Stout Axeman 60 6 19155 859 892 94 15 50 55 0
Pain Keeper 60 6 19320 +165 969 +110 771 -121 102 +8 15 50 40 -15 0

Skills comparison

Stout Axeman

Go No Further

Formula: 4.5*ATK
Attacks 1 enemy.

Repel the Horde

Places a 15% [Reflect Damage] buff on this Champion for 2 turns. Has an 85% chance of placing a 15% [Reflect Damage] buff on a random ally for 2 turns. Also has a 35% chance of placing a [Provoke] debuff on 2 random enemies for 1 turn.
Cooldown: 4

Thrives on Danger [P]

Formula: 0.5*DEALT_DMG
Heals this Champion by 50% of the damage taken while under a [Reflect Damage] buff. Also, has a 25% chance of increasing the duration of all attacker’s debuffs by 1 turn when hit while under a [Reflect Damage] buff.
Pain Keeper

Unflagging Advance

Formula: DEF+ATK
Formula: 0.1*MAX_STAMINA
Attacks 1 enemy 2 times. Fills this Champion's Turn Meter by 10%.

Spectacular Sweep

Formula: 0.12*HP+2*ATK
Formula: 0.15*HP
Attacks all enemies, then heals all allies by 15% of this Champion's MAX HP.
Cooldown: 5

Combat Tactics

Decreases the cooldowns of all ally skills by 1 turn.
Cooldown: 7