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Tainix Hateflower vs Frostbringer

Overall comparison

HERO Fraction Element Type Rarity
Tainix Hateflower Demonspawn Force Support Epic
Frostbringer The Sacred Order Magic Support Epic

Stats comparison

Tainix Hateflower 60 6 17010 1189 980 100 15 50 30 0
Frostbringer 60 6 20310 +3300 870 -319 1079 +99 110 +10 15 50 30 0

Skills comparison

Tainix Hateflower

Seeker Bolts

Formula: 1.65*ATK
Formula: 0.03*HP
Attacks 2 times at random. Heals all allies by 3% of this Champion's HP with each hit on targets under [Decrease SPD] debuffs.

Spiteful Cut

Formula: 4.3*ATK
Attacks 1 enemy. Has a 50% chance of placing a 30% [Decrease SPD] debuff on the target for 2 turns. Has a 50% chance of placing a 30% [Decrease SPD] debuff on all enemies for 2 turns instead if this attack is critical.
Cooldown: 4

Unbreakable [P]

Decreases the damage all allies receive by 5%. This Champion will receive that damage instead. If there are multiple Champions in the team with this Skill, only one will activate.

Cones of Cold

Formula: 2*ATK
Attacks 2 times at random. Has a 30% chance of placing a 100% [Heal Reduction] debuff for 2 turns.

Snow Flurry

Formula: 2.2*ATK
Attacks 3 times at random. Each hit has a 75% chance of placing a 60% [Decrease DEF] debuff for 2 turns.
Cooldown: 4

Arctic Winds

Places a 30% [Increase SPD] and a 50% [Increase ATK] buff on all allies for 2 turns.
Cooldown: 5