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Sicia Flametongue vs Longbeard

Overall comparison

HERO Fraction Element Type Rarity
Sicia Flametongue Demonspawn Force Attack Legendary
Longbeard Skinwalkers Magic Attack Legendary

Stats comparison

Sicia Flametongue 60 6 13050 1586 1123 97 15 60 30 20
Longbeard 60 6 17835 +4785 1409 -177 980 -143 97 15 63 +3 30 0 -20

Skills comparison

Sicia Flametongue

Towering Inferno

Formula: 1.05*ATK
Attacks 1 enemy 3 times. Each hit has a 15% chance of increasing the duration of [HP Burn] debuffs on the target by 1 turn.

Flame Eruption

Formula: 3.7*ATK
Attacks all enemies. Has an 80% chance of placing a 25% [Weaken] debuff for 2 turns. Also has an 80% chance of placing a 60% [Decrease DEF] debuff for 2 turns if there are at least 2 enemies under [HP Burn] debuffs. Then instantly activates any [HP Burn] debuffs on each target and decreases the duration of those [HP Burn] debuffs by 1 turn.
Cooldown: 4

Firestorm Rite

Formula: 3.5*ATK
Places a [HP Burn] debuff on this Champion for 3 turns, then attacks all enemies. Has a 75% chance of placing a [HP Burn] debuff on all enemies for 3 turns. Grants an Extra Turn if a [HP Burn] debuff is placed on all enemies.
Cooldown: 5

Metaphysics [P]

Formula: 3*(EnemyTeamAppliedEffectsTotalCountOfKind(AoEContinuousDamage_KindId)+AllyTeamAppliedEffectsTotalCountOfKind(AoEContinuousDamage_KindId))
Formula: DMG_MUL*(0.03*(EnemyTeamAppliedEffectsTotalCountOfKind(AoEContinuousDamage_KindId)+AllyTeamAppliedEffectsTotalCountOfKind(AoEContinuousDamage_KindId)))
Formula: -DMG_MUL
Formula: 0.03*TRG_HP
Increases this Champion’s SPD by 3 and damage inflicted by 3% for each ally and enemy under a [HP Burn] debuff. If Cardiel is on the team, all allies will heal by 3% of their MAX HP from [HP Burn] debuffs instead of receiving damage and losing HP.

Unstoppable Force

Formula: 4*ATK
Attacks 1 enemy. Will ignore [Shield] and [Block Damage] buffs.

Brittleness Curse

Formula: 6.3*ATK
Attacks 1 enemy. Places a 25% [Weaken] debuff for 2 turns.
Cooldown: 3

Horde's Fury

Formula: DMG_MUL*0.2
Attacks 1 enemy with 4 allies. Increases the damage inflicted by allies by 20%.
Cooldown: 5