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Skinner vs Vlad the Nightborn

Overall comparison

HERO Fraction Element Type Rarity
Skinner Lizardmen Magic Attack Uncommon
Vlad the Nightborn Undead Hordes Void Attack Legendary

Stats comparison

Skinner 60 6 12885 1255 639 89 15 50 30 0
Vlad the Nightborn 60 6 15030 +2145 1443 +188 1134 +495 105 +16 15 63 +13 30 0

Skills comparison


Sharpened Bone

Formula: 1.3*ATK
Attacks 1 enemy 3 times.

Skinning Slice

Formula: 6.3*ATK
Attacks 1 enemy. Removes 2 random buffs from the target.
Cooldown: 4
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Vlad the Nightborn

Thirsting Blade

Formula: 4*ATK
Formula: 0.3*DEALT_DMG
Formula: 0.3*DEALT_DMG
Attacks 1 enemy. Destroys the target’s MAX HP by 30% of the damage inflicted. Also heals this Champion by 30% of the damage inflicted.


Formula: 4.7*ATK
Formula: 0.5*REL_TRG_STAMINA
Formula: 0.5*REL_TRG_STAMINA
Attacks all enemies. Has a 75% chance of placing a [Leech] debuff for 2 turns. Also has a 75% chance of stealing 50% of the Turn Meter from Champions from the Banner Lord, Sacred Order, or High Elf Factions. Has a 75% chance of decreasing the Turn Meter by 50% instead against targets not from those Factions.
Cooldown: 4

Mind Shroud

Formula: 4*ATK
Attacks all enemies. Has a 75% chance of placing a 60% [Decrease DEF] debuff and a [Block Active Skills] debuff for 2 turns. Places a [Perfect Veil] buff on this Champion for 2 turns.
Cooldown: 4

Notorious [P]

Formula: 1*HP
Formula: 0.5*MAX_STAMINA
Places a [Revive On Death] buff on this Champion for 2 turns every time this Champion kills an enemy. Also fully heals this Champion and fills their Turn Meter by 50% every time they kill an enemy. [Will only heal and fill this Champion’s Turn Meter when Konstantin the Dayborn is on the same team.]